
廖柏凱 助理教授

廖柏凱 廖柏凱 助理教授
學歷:德國德勒斯登工業大學博士 (Ph.D., Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
研究領域:系統生物學、細胞與分子生物學、生物物理學、胚胎發育學 (Systems Biology, Molecular Cell Biology, Biophysics, Embryology)
研究室:生命科學院館R510/ 生物圖樣多型性研究室 ( )
電話:02-24622192 分機 5242
Refereed Papers
  1. BK Liao, DJ Jorg, AC Oates (2016) Faster embryonic segmentation through elevated Delta-Notch signaling. Nature Communications 7(1), 1-12.
  2. CH Lin, WC Kuan, BK Liao, AN Deng, DY Tseng, PP Hwang (2016) Environmental and cortisol-mediated control of Ca2+ uptake in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Journal of comparative physiology B 186(3): 323-332.
  3. BK Liao, AC Oates (2017) Delta-Notch signalling in Segmentation. Arthropod Structure & Development 46(3), 429-447.
  4. YC Chen, BK Liao, YF Lu, YH Liu, FC Hsieh, PP Hwang, SPL Hwang (2019).Zebrafish Klf4 maintains the ionocyte progenitor population by regulating epidermal stem cell proliferation and lateral inhibition. PLoS genetics15(4), e1008058.