TH Hsu, Y Ning, JC Gwo, ZN Zeng (2013) DNA barcoding reveals cryptic diversity in the peanut worm Sipunculus nudus. Molecular Ecology Resources.
JR Gold, MM Giresi, MA Renshaw, JC Gwo (2013) Population genetic comparisons among cobia from the Northern Gulf of Mexico, U.S. Western Atlantic, and Southeast Asia. North American Journal of Aquaculture.
郭金泉 (2013) 日本產鮭魚的生態習性及其可持續利用。台灣博物季刊。
林凌霄、郭金泉 (2013) 中國於鮑魚遺傳育種之研究。農業生技產業季刊。
徐德華、郭金泉* (2013) 台灣沿岸魚類-黑鯛屬魚類家族的故事。台灣博物季刊。
WL Chen, JC Gwo, GS Wang, CY Chen (2014) Distribution of feminizing compounds in the aquatic environment and bioaccumulation in wild tilapia tissues. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21(19): 11349-11360. (SCI)
TH Hsu, Y Ning, JC Gwo (2014) AFLP-SSCP: A useful AFLP-based method for informative SNPs discovery in non-model organisms. Advances in Biological Chemistry 4: 376-381.
TH Hsu, K Takata, H Onozato, JC Gwo (2015) Causes of the drastic loss of genetic variation in the Critically Endangered Formosa landlocked salmon of Taiwan. Endangered Species Research 27: 277-287. (SCI)
P Ren, WZ Peng, WW You, ZK Huang, Q Guo, N Chen, P He, JW Ke, JC Gwo, CH Ke (2016) Genetic mapping and quantitative trait loci analysis of growth-related traits in the small abalone Haliotis diversicolor using restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing. Aquaculture 454: 163–170.
TH Hsu, CY Chen, JC Gwo (2016) Causes of the skewed sex ratio in the critically endangered Formosa landlocked salmon of Taiwan. Endangered Species Research 30: 45-52. (SCI)
P Ren, Y Shen, Z Huang, M Huang, JC Gwo, CH Ke, WW You (2016) SNP detection by parallel targeted sequencing from degraded DNA samples in Haliotis diversicolor. Conservation Genetics Resources 9(2): 193-195. (SCI)
TH Hsu, JC Gwo (2017) Fine-scale genetic structure reveals possible restoration mechanism of rabbitfish, Siganus fuscescens, in Penghu Archipelago following a mass mortality event caused by extreme cold winter weather. Genes & Genomics 39: 645–652. (SCI)
1LA Zhivotovskya, GA Rubtsovaa, VD Nikitinb, AP Prokhorovb, EG Shaikhaevc, KS Kotkina, JC Gwo, KI Afanasieva (2017) Genetic differentiation and the problems of conservation of Masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou Brevoort, 1856 (Pisces: Salmonidae)) populations. Conservation of Marine Environment (Russian Journal of Marine Biology 43(1): 83–91) (SCI)
TH Hsu, JC Gwo (2017) Genetic diversity and stock identification of small abalone (Haliotis diversicolor) in Taiwan and Japan. Plos ONE 12(6): e0179818 (SCI)
JC Gwo (2018) Formosa landlocked salmon (Oncorhynchus formosanus) is a new species of masu salmon complex-evidence from meristic characters. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Discovery of Formosa Landlocked Salmon’s 100th Anniversary, C. Burridges, J.C. Gwo, Y.T. Shieh (eds.), Journal of the National Taiwan Museum Special Publication No. 20: 123-134.